JUVE Rankings for Insolvency and Restructuring

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Once again top ranking for Graf Isola (f.k.a. Graf & Pitkowitz)

German Juve Magazine for Business Lawyers analyses in its January /February 2020 edition the local Austrian legal market for insolvency and restructuring.

Our team led by Alexander Isola and Stefan Weileder is ranked in categories “insolvency administration and debtor representation” (tier 2 ) and “recovery and restructuring” among Austria’s premier law firms. Alexander Isola is once again listed among Austria’s leading experts in insolvency and restructuring.

For further details please click here

Inquiry note:

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GRAF ISOLA Rechtsanwälte GmbH
T +43 1 401 17 – 0
E marketing@grafisola.at


Stefan Weileder
LL.M. (DUK) | Mag.iur. (University of Graz) | Partner
T:+43 316 833 777 - 0
Alexander Isola
M.C.J. (NYU) | Dr.iur. (University of Graz) | Partner
T:+43 316 833 777 - 0