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GRAF ISOLA Rechtsanwälte GmbH

Disclosure and information in accordance with § 14 UGB, § 25 MedienG and § 5 ECG:
Contact information:

Stadiongasse 2, 1010 Vienna, Austria
T  +43 1 401 17 – 0
F  +43 1 401 17 – 40
E  office@grafisola.at

Marburger Kai 47, 8010 Graz, Austria
T  +43 316 833 777 – 0
F  +43 316 833 777 – 33
E  office.graz@grafisola.at

Web design:

kraftwerk | Agentur für neue Kommunikation
Burggasse 28 – 32, 1070 Wien

Legal notice:

Published by: GRAF ISOLA Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Legal form: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (Ltd.)
Seat: Vienna
Commercial Register Court: Commercial Court of Vienna
Commercial Register Number: 255087 d
UID: ATU 61238734
Corporate purpose: the practice of law including the necessary ancillary activities and the administration of the company assets

The lawyers of GRAF ISOLA Rechtsanwälte GmbH are accountable to the Vienna and Styria Bar Associations and are subject to their supervision. The legal practice is subject to the professional rules applicable to lawyers, in particular the Lawyers’ Act (RAO) and the Guidelines for Practicing the Legal Profession (RL-BA), available at www.oerak.at.


The information on this Website is provided for general information purposes only and is not intended to provide legal or of any other form of advice.
All published information is thoroughly checked for accuracy. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
GRAF ISOLA does not accept any responsibility for accuracy and completeness of the published information or any consequences which might be associated with its use.  

Privacy Statement:

Our Privacy Statement can be viewed here: https://www.grafisola.at/en/data-protection/