Gerichtliche vs. außergerichtliche Unternehmenssanierung, ARS Jahrestagung
16.-17. November 2010 - ARS Seminarzentrum, Wien
16.-17. November 2010 - ARS Seminarzentrum, Wien
Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH am 19. Oktober 2010 in Graz
16.-17. November 2010 - ARS Seminarzentrum, Schallautzerstraße 2-4, 1010 Wien
Mit der Schaffung der Ärzte GmbH sind unnötige rechtliche Einschränkungen für Gruppenpraxen endlich gefallen. Aber noch immer bleibt viel zu tun, sagen Armenak Utudjian und Julia Moser. Der Standard, Wirtschaft…
In a recent decision the Supreme Court had to decide whether an employer was obliged to pay for office equipment needed by works council members to perform their representative roles…
A recent Supreme Court decision could have broad ramifications for employers that seek to raise individual employee performance by incentivizing their salary systems. Regardless of obtaining express consent from each…
The Act on Secondment is broad in scope and basically applies to any scenario in which employees are seconded to a third party. The law's purpose is to provide rules…